Force lynx or elinks to interpret spaces and line breaks

browsercommand lineelinkshtmllynx

Consider the following commands, and their results :

$ echo "<br/> <br/>a<br/>b<br/>c<br/><br/> <br/>"|lynx -dump -stdin

$ echo "<br/> <br/>a<br/>b<br/>c<br/><br/> <br/>"|elinks -dump

Neither prints the correct number of lines : elinks skips the first white space, and both skip blank lines and trailing lines with white space only.

Is there a way to force lynx or elinks to interpret all spaces and line breaks ? I didn't see anything obvious in their manpage.

(I mean, beside using a temporary character to be suppressed by sed or tr or whatever after the display.)

Best Answer

Lynx can be configured to modify this behavior using COLLAPSE_BR_TAGS in the configuration file, e.g., lynx.cfg:

If COLLAPSE_BR_TAGS is set FALSE, Lynx will not collapse serial BR tags. If set TRUE, two or more concurrent BRs will be collapsed into a single line break. Note that the valid way to insert extra blank lines in HTML is via a PRE block with only newlines in the block.

Default value for COLLAPSE_BR_TAGS is TRUE

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