Force GNU screen to reflow to current terminal width on reattach


I would like to force GNU screen to reflow to the existing terminal width when I reattach a session. It seems to me this worked properly before I upgraded a machine to CentOS 6, but I cannot figure out how to restore it. (TERM=xterm)

Whenever I reattach a session, regardless of state when I detached it, it launches at 80 columns, resizing my terminal (PuTTY, in this case) along with it.

I'm launching & reattaching with:

screen -aA -R <session>

My .screenrc contains only the following, and a few irrelevant key bindings:

term xterm

defscrollback 10000

# status line at the bottom
hardstatus on
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string "${-}%{.0c}%-w%{.y0}%f%n %t%{-}%+w %=%{..G}[%H] %{..Y} %D %M %d, %Y %c | Load: %l"
caption splitonly "%{.yK}%3n t"
caption string "%{.c0}%3n %t"

vbell off

# Fix fullscreen programs
altscreen on

Best Answer

after you reattach a ctrl-a F runs the "fit" command to resize the current window. if you reattach using the -A option it should resize all windows when you reattach. Are there others still attached to the screen session when you are attaching? For instance, are you having to use -x to reattach instead of -r? you can detach others when you reattach with "screen -D -r" instead of "screen -x", and I'd expect this to automatically refit windows.

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