Directory Size – Find Total Size of Certain Files Within Directory Branch


Assume there's an image storage directory, say, ./photos/john_doe, within which there are multiple subdirectories, where many certain files reside (say, *.jpg). How can I calculate a summary size of those files below the john_doe branch?

I tried du -hs ./photos/john_doe/*/*.jpg, but this shows individual files only. Also, this tracks only the first nest level of the john_doe directory, like john_doe/june/, but skips john_doe/june/outrageous/.

So, how could I traverse the entire branch, summing up the size of the certain files?

Best Answer

find ./photos/john_doe -type f -name '*.jpg' -exec du -ch {} + | grep total$

If more than one invocation of du is required because the file list is very long, multiple totals will be reported and need to be summed.

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