Find Command – Add Arguments Between {} and +


I want to use find to locate files, then copy those to a directory, so I tried:

find . -name '*.png' -exec cp {} /tmp/dest +

However, this fails with

find: missing argument to `-exec'

When I replace the + by a ; it works, but invokes cp for every file individually. How can I add a trailing argument (such as a destination directory) when using the + form of -exec?

Of course, in this case I can work around the apparent limitation by using cp -t (such as indicated in this post on Stack Overflow, but that solution is specific to cp. Instead, I might be using rsync, scp, or some other tool. Is there a general way to add arguments between {} and + in find -exec?

Best Answer

No, if you're using -exec ... {} +, there may be nothing between {} and + apart from whitespace. There is no way around that.

From the POSIX standard specification of the find command:

-exec utility_name [argument ...] ;
-exec utility_name [argument ...] {} +

The end of the primary expression shall be punctuated by a <semicolon> or by a <plus-sign>. Only a <plus-sign> that immediately follows an argument containing only the two characters {} shall punctuate the end of the primary expression. Other uses of the <plus-sign> shall not be treated as special.

A more generic solution would possibly be

find ... -exec sh -c 'cp "$@" /tmp/dest' sh {} +

Here, an inline sh -c script is executed with batches of arguments from find. Inside the inline script, "$@" will be the list of passed arguments (individually quoted), which allows us to place them as we want them on the cp command line.

This allows us to use non-GNU cp (on e.g. macOS or other BSD systems, where there is no -t option) or any other utility where one may want to add other arguments to the end of the list of pathnames coming from find.


Nobody asked for this, but anyway...

With the destination directory in a variable, destdir:


find ... -exec sh -c 'destdir=$1; shift; cp "$@" "$destdir"' sh "$destdir" {} +

Note that the destdir in the shell calling find is a separate variable to the destdir in the sh -c script.

Or, with bash:


find ... -exec bash -c 'cp "${@:2}" "$1"' bash "$destdir" {} +

This is "slicing" the "$@" list to rearrange it appropriately for the cp command line, without extracting $1, the destination directory pathname, into a separate variable.

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