Find and remove files bigger than a specific size and type


I want to clean up my server from large log files and backups.

I came up with this:

find ./ -size +1M | xargs rm

But I do not want to include mp3 and mp4. I just want to do this for log and archive files (zip, tar, etc.)

How will the command look like?

Best Answer

find -type f \( -name "*zip" -o -name "*tar" -o -name "*gz" \) -size +1M -delete
  • the \( \) construct allows to group different filename patterns
  • by using -delete option, we can avoid piping and troubles with xargs See this, this and this
  • ./ or . is optional when using find command for current directory

Edit: As Eric Renouf notes, if your version of find doesn't support the -delete option, use the -exec option

find -type f \( -name "*zip" -o -name "*tar" -o -name "*gz" \) -size +1M -exec rm {} +

where all the files filtered by find command is passed to rm command

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