Files list file for package ‘qdbus’ is missing final newline (Raspbian)


I have a fresh install of Raspbian on a raspberry pi 3. It boots fine, and I am able to perform any function that I can think of with one exception: any attempt to install or remove a package results in the error "Files list file for package 'qdbus' is missing final newline". Indeed the file at /var/lib/dpkg/info/qdbus.list is full of garbage.

What I tried so far:

  • Adding a newline to the file.
  • $sudo apt-get clean – did nothing.
  • Delete qdbus.list – a different file is indicated as corrupted, I got as far as deleting about 25 files before things like ssh stopped working and I had to re-install the OS.
  • Reinstall the OS from a fresh, hash-checked download of the latest version
  • $sudo dpkg –configure -a – did nothing.

Any help would be appreciated.

Screenshot of apt-get upgrade
Screenshot of vi /var/lib/dpkg/info/qdbus.list

Best Answer

I have encountered same problem. And I solved this by downgrading raspbian jessie.

Remove your current version probably raspbian-2017-07-05/ and downgrade to raspbian-2017-06-23/. It will require a lot more time to update and upgrade packages but works fine for me.

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