File Permissions – Understanding Mode Ending in @ or +


I was changing file permissions and I noticed that some of the permissions
modes ended in @ as in -rw-r--r--@, or a + as in drwxr-x---+. I've looked
at the man pages for chmod and chown, and searched around different help
forums, but I can't find anything about what these symbols mean.

Best Answer

+ means that the file has additional ACLs set. You can set them with setfacl and query them with getfacl:

martin@martin ~ % touch file
martin@martin ~ % ll file 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin 0 Sep 23 21:59 file
martin@martin ~ % setfacl -m u:root:rw file 
martin@martin ~ % ll file 
-rw-rw-r--+ 1 martin martin 0 Sep 23 21:59 file
martin@martin ~ % getfacl file 
# file: file
# owner: martin
# group: martin

I haven't seen @ yet personally, but according to this thread it signifies extended attributes, at least on MacOS. Try xattr -l on such a file.

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