File deletion under special conditions, recursively if possible


I am looking for a unix command sequence, which is able to perform a quite complex, conditional deleting action.

All files with the extensions "[NAME].cut" and "[NAME].cut.bak" shall be deleted, IF there exists no corresponding file named "[NAME].rec" or "[NAME].mpg" in the same folder.

The command shall be run on an integrated device with some minimal kernel, and therefore not use "special tools".
e.g. 'ls' and 'rm' can be used, 'find' is not present (i.e. only via an external tool, which I would prefer not to depend on)

If possible, the command shall delete recursively in subdirectories as well…

Background is following:
I am developing a tool for a Linux-based PVR, that allows cutting of recorded programmes. For each recording (extension .rec or .mpg) the segment markers are stored in a .cut-file. When some recording gets moved/renamed/deleted, then the corresponding cut-file remains on the disk useless.
I already have implemented the removing of those useless cut-files in C. But I am wondering, whether there may be a (simple) system based solution. In this case it could be run via 'system' and & in the background, which would make my application more responsive…

Here are the commands, which are included within the PVR's firmware:

affinity, arp, awk, basename, bash, busybox, cat, chgrp, chmod, chown, cmp, cp, cramfsck, cut, date, dd, df, dirname, dmesg, du, echo, egrep, env, expr, false, fgrep, flash_erase, flash_eraseall, flash_info, free, getty, grep, head, hexdump, hostname, id, ifconfig, install, kill, killall, ln, logger, login, ls, md5sum, mkcramfs, mkdir, mknod, mktemp, more, mount, mv, nice, norcleanmark, od, passwd, pidof, ping, pmtest, portmap, printenv, printf, ps, pwd, readlink, renice, rm, rmdir, route, sed, seq, sh, shutdown, sleep, sort, strings, stty, sync, tail, tee, telnet, tftp, time, tinylogin, touch, tr, true, tty, twin, umount, uname, uniq, usleep, vi, wc, which, whoami, xargs, yes

Do you have any tips for me?

Best Answer

I couldn't keep this simpler; this works but it assumes there are no files whose filename contains newlines in the target directory; first test the command using this:

find . -type f \( -name "*.cut" -o -name "*.cut.bak" \) -exec bash -c '[ -f "$(<<< "{}" sed "s/\(.*\/[^.]*\).*/\1/").rec" -o -f "$(<<< "{}" sed "s/\(.*\/[^.]*\).*/\1/").mpg" ] && echo "{}"' \;

If the files listed are those expected to be deleted, you can go ahead and run this:

find . -type f \( -name "*.cut" -o -name "*.cut.bak" \) -exec bash -c '[ -f "$(<<< "{}" sed "s/\(.*\/[^.]*\).*/\1/").rec" -o -f "$(<<< "{}" sed "s/\(.*\/[^.]*\).*/\1/").mpg" ] && rm "{}"' \;

Test on a directory hierarchy created ad hoc:

~/tmp$ tree
└── dir1
    ├── file1.cut
    ├── file1.cut.bak
    ├── file1.rec
    ├── file2.cut
    ├── file2.cut.bak
    ├── file2.mpg
    ├── file3.cut
    ├── file3.cut.bak
    └── subdir1
        ├── file1.cut
        ├── file1.cut.bak
        ├── file1.rec
        ├── file2.cut
        ├── file2.cut.bak
        ├── file2.mpg
        ├── file3.cut
        └── file3.cut.bak

2 directories, 16 files
~/tmp$ find . -type f \( -name "*.cut" -o -name "*.cut.bak" \) -exec bash -c 'if [ -f "$(<<< "{}" sed "s/\(.*\/[^.]*\).*/\1/").rec" -o -f "$(<<< "{}" sed "s/\(.*\/[^.]*\).*/\1/").mpg" ]; then rm "{}"; fi' \;
~/tmp$ tree
└── dir1
    ├── file1.rec
    ├── file2.mpg
    ├── file3.cut
    ├── file3.cut.bak
    └── subdir1
        ├── file1.rec
        ├── file2.mpg
        ├── file3.cut
        └── file3.cut.bak

2 directories, 8 files

As you can see, all files with extension .cut or .bak for which a file with the same name and extension .rec or .mpg exists are deleted recursively (file1.cut and file1.cut.bak are deleted because of file1.rec, file2.cut and file2.cut.bak are deleted because of file2.mpg; file3.cut and file3.cut.bak are not deleted because there's no file3.rec or file3.mpg in the same directory)

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