Fedora – XRDP Custom Resolution (Fedora 19)


How can I configure a custom display resultion for xrdp sessions?
I want the session to use all the display size, minus few lines for the original decorations. that will be around 1920×1050, a resultion that isn't available in xrandr.

I'm using i3 as wm, so there is no GUI or DE configuration tool.

Best Answer

I don't have rep to upvote or comment on schaiba's answer, but in Fedora 19, disabling xrandr is a workaround to force the resolution.

sudo yum install -y dconf-editor

browse to org -> gnome -> settings-daemon -> plugins > xrandr and uncheck Active

I can now connect using rdesktop and force a resolution.

rdesktop -g 800x600 192.168.1.xxx