Fedora – What does the process /usr/libexec/packagekitd do


This process keeps hogging my bandwidth:

  1. What does this process do?
  2. Is it safe to kill it?
  3. Is is safe to
    remove the package as a whole( to prevent it from starting up ever
  4. Or should I just prevent it from automatically running in the background again?

I am running Fedora 23.

Best Answer

PackageKit is being run by GNOME Software. It's not doing automatic updates, but it is downloading them so they're ready. There is work on making this be smarter, including not doing it over bandwidth-constrained connections, but it hasn't landed yet. In the meantime, you can disable this by running:

dconf write /org/gnome/software/download-updates false

or by using the GUI dconf editor and unchecking the download-updates box under org > gnome > software:

dconf editor gui

Note that this is per-user. For changing the default for everyone, see the GNOME docs.

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