Fedora – Is the crazy partition layout in Fedora 15 really nessesary


As I'm installing Fedora 15 on another computer I'm really starting to question the crazy partition layout. On this computer there's an existing Windows 7 installation, so I'm cramming Fedora right next to it in a small 15 GB slice of space (don't plan on storing much data there)

But the installer generates this crazy partition layout

  • Windows 7 stuff
  • Extended Partition
    • /boot (EXT4, 500 MB)
    • LVM(!) Volume Group (14858 MB)
    • lv_root (8660 MB)
    • lv_swap (5888 MB)
    • My home (What's left: 310(!?!) MB)

That doesn't seem like much space. Even on my other system which has a whole 80 GB hard drive to itself the LVM gives the root filesystem and the root folder 50 GB and me a measly 20 GB. I sometimes run out of space when Virtualbox gets a lot of snapshots or bittorrent gets out of control.

Is there anything wrong with a simple layout like this?

  • Windows 7 stuff
  • Extended Partition (15 GB)
    • Swap (5 GB)
    • Root filesystem (10 GB)

Note: The sizes can increase if absolutely necessary. Note the lack of LVM and separate partitions for everything. Will anything break with this layout? Are there any large disadvantages with this layout?

Best Answer

LVM is great, but it works best when you have a lot of free space, and you can create small logical volumes that can grow as needed.

Your suggested layout would probably be fine, but I would make a separate /boot partition as well. (You could also make your swap partition smaller. You never want to be more than a couple of GB into swap since performance suffers badly past that. Plus you can always add a swap file if you absolutely have to.)

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