Fedora – How to start a windows partition from the Grub command line


I have Windows 7 installed on my system. After I installed Windows 7, I installed Fedora on a separate partition so that I could dual boot.

I removed Fedora by deleting the partition it was installed on. Now I am unable to start my system. On boot, my system stops at the Grub command line.

I want to boot to my Windows 7 installation which I haven't removed from my system.

This is displayed on startup

GNU GRUB version 0.97-71.fc15 (634k lower /306122k upper momory)<br> [
minimal BASH-like editing is supported.for the first word, TAB lists
possible commands completions.anywhere else TAB lists the possible
completion of device/filename.]

How can I boot my Windows partition from this grub command?

Best Answer

The ultimate goal is to restore the Master Boot Record (MBR) to the hard drive, removing Grub, so you can boot to your Windows partition in the future without stopping at the Grub command line.

The easiest way to achieve this is to boot from your Windows 7 installation media. Use the Repair computer link and choose Command Line. At the command line, enter bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr. You can reboot your system and it will now boot into Windows.

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