Fedora – How to merge config files interactively after “yum update”


After system packages are updated with "yum update", config files which could not be overwritten are not replaced, but we can find *.rpmnew files near by. By design system administrator must merge config files.

In Gentoo Linux there is a etc-update tool, which allow to merge config file changes interactively, like that:

Beginning of differences between /etc/pear.conf and /etc/._cfg0000_pear.conf
End of differences between /etc/pear.conf and /etc/._cfg0000_pear.conf
1) Replace original with update
2) Delete update, keeping original as is
3) Interactively merge original with update
4) Show differences again

I wonder if there is a way to merge configs interactively in RHEL/Fedora/CentOS?

Best Answer

This yum plugin adds the "--merge-conf" command line option. With this option, Yum will ask you what to do with config files which have changed on updating a package.


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