Fedora – How to lock screen on lid closing using systemd


I am running Sway on Fedora 26 and want my laptop to be locked when I close my screen. I changed HandleLidSwitch to lock in /etc/systemd/logind.conf and ran systemctl restart systemd-logind after that. However, closing the lid does nothing.

The lock program I intend to use is Swaylock and I can manually call it by runnig the command swaylock in a terminal.

How do I make Systemd call swaylock when it tries to close the screen (as instructed to do in logind.conf)?

Best Answer


If the HandleLidSwitch is set to sleep, you can create a new systemd service with sleep target, and thus your service will be executed when the sleep is called (lid closed) here is an example with power target.. update that to sleep.

Command on lock

This question explain how to run a command when the lock screen is enabled

Screen saver

You can use a bash to watch for screen saver if you want to trigger that when the screen saver is enabled it's explained here

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