Fedora – How to identify LVM-over-LUKS or LUKS-over-LVM


I recently installed Fedora 20. I don't recall what exact options I chose for encrypting the disk/LVM during installation. It installed fine and I can log in etc. Here is the situation I have:

I booted up with LiveCD and tried the following: (I have installed Fedora20 to /dev/sda3' partition).

  1. If I run cryptsetup open /dev/sda3 fedo I get an error saying it is not a LUKS device.
  2. I I run cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda3 I get an error saying it is not a LUKS device
  3. If I run cryptsetup open --type plain /dev/sda3 fedo, it prompts for password and it opens the device fine.

So, obviously, that is a plain-text encrypted (without LUKS header) partition.

Now, when I try to run mount /dev/mapper/fedo /mnt/fedora, it says unknown crypto_LUKS filesystem.

I do have LVM on top of it, so, I can run pvdisplay, vgdisplay, lvdisplay and it shows information. I have a VG called fedora and two LVs, viz 00 for swap partition and 01 for / partition.

Now, if I do a cryptsetup luksDump /dev/fedora/01 I can see LUKS headers etc. And, I can mount by running mount /dev/fedora/00 /mnt/fedora, no password prompt.

So, do I have a LUKS-over-LVM-over-(plain-text)-encrypted partition?

Here is my output of lsblk:

# lsblk
NAME                                            MAJ:MIN RM  SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINT
sda                                               8:0    0 37.3G  0 disk
|-sda3                                            8:3    0 17.4G  0 part
  |-fedora-00                                   253:0    0  2.5G  0 lvm
  | |-luks-XXXXX                                253:3    0  2.5G  0 crypt [SWAP]
  |-fedora-01                                   253:1    0   15G  0 lvm
    |-luks-XXXXX                                253:2    0   15G  0 crypt /

So, the question is, how to figure out whether I have LVM-over-LUKS or LUKS-over-LVM, or some other combination thereof (LUKS over LVM over LUKS etc)? To make my question clear, I know I have LVM and LUKS, I want to figure out the order of them.

Best Answer

cryptsetup luksDump /dev/fedora/01 shows the LVM logical volume to be a LUKS encrypted volume. The output of pvs or pvdisplay would show the partition /dev/sda3 to be a physical volume. Thus you have LUKS over LVM. At a lower level, you have LVM over PC partition.

The output of lsblk confirms this: sda is a disk, sda3 is a partition (which contains an LVM physical volume), fedora-00 and fedora-01 are logical volumes, and each logical volume contains a LUKS encrypted volume.

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