Fedora – How to find the best monitor resolution and put it to work? Fedora


In this question I'm asking how to install a compatible driver to a Fedora machine, but, the main problem is a bad resolution.

So, how can I find the best resolution to my monitor and put it to work?

Please answer me with a complete solution or a successfully tutorial.

Some system info is:

$ lspci | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)

$ cat /etc/issue
Fedora release 17 (Beefy Miracle)
Kernel \r on an \m (\l)

 xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1280 x 1024, maximum 1280 x 1024 default connected 1280x1024+0+0 0mm x 0mm 1280x1024 76.0* 1024x768 76.0 800x600 73.0 640x480 73.0


Looks like the main problema now is this output:

xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default

Everything I try stops at this problem with the gamma.

How can I solve this?

Best Answer

xrandr -q should give you all the possible resolutions supported by your screen (based on current driver). The one that it's currently using will have an asterisk (*) next to it. If it's at the top of the list, it can't get any higher. It's possible that it's using the wrong aspect ratio (a 16:10 resolution on 16:9 monitor, so things would be a bit stretched). That should be as simple as picking a resolution that matches the aspect ratio of your monitor.

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