Fedora – How to enable sound in Fedora 17


I did a minimal install of Fedora 17 some months ago and only until today did I try playing some audio with it only to find out that sound is not working.

How do I get the sound to work on Fedora 17?

My current setup is only using Xmonad as window manager, no desktop environment. So I would prefer the CLI way of installing/troubleshooting this.

Best Answer

I scoured the web, following every suggestion I could find to get integrated Intel HDA audio to work under Fedora 17. Nothing worked until I stumbled across this little gem:

Add your user to the 'audio' group, then reboot

From a shell prompt:

       sudo usermod -a -G audio yourUserName

After that, all I had to do was go to the Mixer control panel and select 'Playback: Internal Audio Analog Stereo (PulseAudio Mixer)'.

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