Fedora – Default applications (GNOME 3)


I'm trying to associate a custom application to a file type in GNOME 3 (FC15).
In GNOME 2 one could go in the "Open with" pane of the file properties dialog and add a custom command there. The custom command edit box seems to have disappeared from the "Open with" pane in GNOME 3, so I was wondering if there is some workaround to manually assign the application.

In other words, from which file/directory does GNOME pull out that application list? How do I add a custom one?

Best Answer

There is the answer: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=263501

I have Gnome3 and there is "Open with" pane :) You also go to proporties and there is "Open with" tab.

Edit: You should look on https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=118966. Your applications should show on list, if you add a *.desktop file associated with your application to /usr/share/applications or ~.local/share/applications/ directory. Exec should like this: Exec=yourprogram %U

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