Allow AD Groups to SUDO in Fedora


I'm adding some Fedora 20 workstations to our Windows 2003 domain. I've successfully joined the domain with the boxes, and can login with domain accounts.

Now I'm trying to allow the default AD group Enterprise Admins to use SUDO, however whatever I do, it seems that the group cannot be found (or at least it tells me my user account is not in the sudoers file)

Structure of the OU (default really):

  • mydomain.local
    • Builtin
    • Computers
    • DCOM-Users
    • DOmain Controllers
    • ForeignSecurityPrincipals
    • CompanyName
      • Management
      • Accounting
      • Admins
      • SysAccounts
      • CustomerService
      • Warehouse
    • Users

I used realmd and sssd to join the domain, and am trying to allow sudo to groups located under the Users OU, but would also like to add some from the CompanyName --> Admins OU/Sub-group as well.

I'm currently trying this with no luck (in /etc/sudoers)

%MYDOMAIN\\Enterprise^Admins ALL=(ALL) ALL

I've also tried variations as well, such as:

%MYDOMAIN\\Users\Enterprise^Admins ALL=(ALL) ALL
%Enterprise^Admins@mydomain.local ALL=(ALL) ALL

etc… nothing seems to be working. Even after reboots, and/or systemctrl restart sssd.

If i explicitly add my domain account to the /etc/sudoers file, it works no problem.

myuser@mydomain.local ALL=(ALL) ALL

There are a few resources that seem to indicate it should be possible to add AD groups to sudoers, however so far none of them have worked for me:

Best Answer

Several months after you asked but the correct answer is that you remove all domain information from the group. All the information is set and extracted by SSSD automatically.

The only flaw I see in some of your examples is that you escaped the space with a ^.

An AD group of Enterprise Admins would have a sudoers line that starts with

%Enterprise\ Admins

For example, if your domain is, then the sudoers line looks like

%Enterprise\ ALL=(ALL) ALL

You can verify this by looking calling getent on the group.

getent group Enterprise\ Admins

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