Faster graphics in KVM guest


Is there any way to improve the graphics performance of a KVM guest?

I suspect that the question is too general, so I will give my setup and requirements.

My ultimate goal is to use an Ubuntu guest as my primary OS. The only graphics-intensive things I do are watching videos and playing state-of-the-1990s games.

Current setup: Debian host (X+Fluxbox), KVM guest with SDL graphics, (emulated) vmware graphics card (the other one has >0.5s redraw times), and a standard Ubuntu installation. I can watch videos, but games are a bit choppy.

What doesn't seem to work: Non-SDL graphics (both VNC and X forwarding are very choppy), VGA passthrough (not implemented in KVM; Xen requires IOMMU, which my computer doesn't seem to support)

What I am thinking about (but I have very little knowledge on the subject): Trying to eliminate X from the host. I've heard myths about something called "framebuffer", but I don't know much else.

Best Answer

SDL is ok, but you should also try SPICE. Check out the wikipedia page for more info as well.

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