Fast way to determine if a file is a SQLite database


I am looking for a way to determine file types in a folder with thousands of files. File names do not reveal much and have no extension, but are different types. Specifically, I am trying to determine if a file is a sqlite database.

When using the file command, it determines the type of 2-3 files per second. This seems like a good way to address the problem, except it is too slow.

Then I tried opening each file with sqlite3 and checking to see if I get an error. That way, I can check 4-5 files per second. Much better, but I think that there might be a better way to do this.

Best Answer

2-3 files per second tested with file seems very slow to me. file actually performs a number of different tests to try and determine the file type. Since you are looking for one particular type of file (sqlite), and you don't care about identifying all the others, you can experiment on a known sqlite file to determine which test actually identifies it. You can then exclude the others using the -e flag, and run against your full file set. See the man page:

 -e, --exclude testname
         Exclude the test named in testname from the list of tests made to
         determine the file type. Valid test names are:

            EMX application type (only on EMX).
            Various types of text files (this test will try to guess the
            text encoding, irrespective of the setting of the ‘encoding’
            Different text encodings for soft magic tests.
            Looks for known tokens inside text files.
            Prints details of Compound Document Files.
            Checks for, and looks inside, compressed files.
            Prints ELF file details.
            Consults magic files.
            Examines tar files.

Edit: I tried some tests myself. Summary:

  1. Applying my advice with the right flags can speed up file by about 15%, for tests to determine sqlite. Which is something, but not the huge improvement I expected.
  2. Your file tests are really slow. I did 500 on a standard machine in the time you did 2-3. Are you on slow hardware, or checking enormous files, running an ancient version of file, or...?
  3. You must keep the 'soft' test to successfully identify a file as sqlite.

For a 16MB sqlite DB file, I did:

for  i in {1..1000}
    file sqllite_file.db | tail > out

Timing on the command line:

~/tmp$ time ./; cat out

real    0m2.424s
user    0m0.040s
sys 0m0.288s
sqllite_file.db: SQLite 3.x database

Trying the different test excludes, and assuming the determination is made based on a single test, it is the 'soft' (i.e. magic file lookup) test which identifies the file. Accordingly, I modified the file command to exclude all the other tests:

file -e apptype -e ascii -e encoding -e tokens -e cdf -e compress -e elf -e tar sqllite_file.db | tail > out

Running this 1000 times:

~/tmp$ time ./; cat out

real    0m2.119s
user    0m0.060s
sys         0m0.280s
sqllite_file.db: SQLite 3.x database
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