Expand one window over two virtual desktops on KDE


My laptop's resolution is low, and some programs cannot display their content normally in a small window. Is possible to expand one window over two or multiple virtual desktops?

Best Answer

It's an unwieldy feature to switch on and off (you have to restart X to do it), but you may be interested in setting up a so-called "virtual viewport". This creates a virtual display area larger than your physical display which automatically (and slightly annoyingly >.>) pans itself around when you move the mouse toward the edges/corners of the screen. It can be distracting, but it'd certainly let you open windows of any size you like - and you might even get used to the constant panning (!) :P

Once you've setup an xorg.conf file as per your distribution's instructions (newer Linux distributions do not ship with one, leaving X to figure itself out, which it can typically do now), locate the Display SubSection and add a Virtual line in with the resolution you want, eg

    SubSection "Display"
        Virtual 1280 1024

to the requisite part of your xorg.conf. Restart X, and your screen should be "virtually" bigger :P
To turn it off... you comment out the "Virtual ..." line so it reads "#Virtual ...", then restart X. Like I said, unwieldy to switch on/off.

Examine the xorg.conf manpage (yes, there's one with that name) for further low-level reading or google "x11 virtual viewport" for somewhat less terse information :P
Probably the two most salient/relevant bits of info from that manpage are the ViewPort parameter, which specifies the starting pan-point of the screen (the default is to center the virtual screen into your physical display), and that the first parameter to Virtual must be a multiple of 8 or 16 - if you specify a non-multiple you'll most likely discover X has rounded it up or down for you - so it fits the graphics card's requirements.

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