System Calls – Why Execve and Brk(NULL) Are Always the First Two System Calls


When I try

strace ping


strace ls 


even strace curl <domain>

The first two systemcalls are always,

execve("/usr/bin/curl", ["curl", ""], 0x7ffecf1bc378 /* 61 vars */) = 0
brk(NULL)                               = 0x55f553c49000

Can someone please tell me if execve will always be the first systemcall when I execute anything?

I read this manual page,
But don't understand if execve is really a system call or executable program?

Best Answer

In Linux a new process is created via fork(), which makes a child process which is almost identical to the parent process. To create a new process whose program is different than the program of the original process, the new child process immediately calls execve(), which is basically the process saying "replace my current program with this other program".

brk(NULL) is the process asking where its heap memory ends. Many programs call this as their first system call (which will show up right after execve()) because they use malloc() right away (or a library call they make uses malloc() internally). If the program and its library calls don't need to call malloc() for a while then something besides brk(NULL) will be the second system call.

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