Error when unzipping a file


I am getting the following error when unzipping a file


Archive:  user_file_batch1.csv
  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
  the last disk(s) of this archive.

unzip:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of user_file_batch1.csv or, and cannot find user_file_batch1.csv.ZIP, period.

I believe this file is not corrupted or a part of multi archive file as using Archive Utility I was able to unzip it.
I have tried to rename it to .zip but did not work.

The output of type file was uuencoded or xxencoded text

Best Answer

Your file has a .zip name, but is not in zip format. Renaming a file doesn't change its content, and in particular doesn't magically transform it into a different format.

(Alternatively, the same error could happen with an incomplete zip file — but since that Archive Utility worked, this isn't the case.)

Run file to see what type of file this is. It's presumably some other type of archive that Archive Utility understands. uuencoded or xxencoded text

Run the following command:


This creates a file whose name is indicated in If you want to pick a different output file name:

uudecode -o user_file_batch1.csv.decoded

The output file at this stage may, itself, be an archive. (Perhaps it's a zip, in fact.) Run the file utility again on this file to see what it is. If you choose the automatic file name, it might give a clue.