Error compiling buildroot


I updated my buildroot for the version "2014.08" (stable version) and I updated the Kernel version (3.12.26) of my project, when the buildroot try to build the linux-headers-3.12.26 package, occurs the following error:

/output/host/usr/arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabi/sysroot 2.6; then exit 1; fi
Incorrect selection of kernel headers: expected 2.6.x, got 3.12.x"

How can I fix it? Do I have to change the script

Best Answer

No, you don't have to change any script. It seems like your Buildroot configuration is incorrect, but since you didn't provide your config, there's no real way to give a precise answer. Can you run make savedefconfig and post the output of this file here?

Basically, what Buildroot is complaining about here is a mismatch between the kernel headers version it is finding, and the kernel headers version you have specified in the configuration. Most likely, you need to go in make menuconfig, and change the option in which you declare the version of the kernel headers (under the Toolchain menu).

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