Security – Encrypt Files Using GPG and Symmetric Key Encryption in Unix


I read a lot of articles about using gpg to encrypt email, but I would like to use it to encrypt some files – mainly a bunch of *.isos. I'm going to describe what I thought I would do, so you can shoot me or just add some suggestions.

I'm going to do

tar -cvjf myiso.iso.tar.bz2 myiso.iso

and them I plan to encrypt this myisio.tar.bz2, using a key generated by gpg (don't know exactly how to do that. I'm going to read the man page). Them, I'm going to save this generated gpg key I used for this encryption in a flash drive, and encode this key itself with a symetric key.

Is it to insane?

Best Answer

You can use GPG to symmetrically encrypt a file with a passphrase (gpg -c). If the passphrase has enough entropy, you don't need an extra step of generating a secret key. What does “enough entropy” mean? Your encryption needs to withstand offline attacks, where the attacker can make cracking attempts as fast as his hardware allows it. With a small PC farm, the attacker might be able to make a couple hundred billion attempts per second, which is roughly 2^69 per decade. So with an entropy of 2^70 you'll be safe. That means if your passphrase consists of completely random letters (lower or upper case) and digits, it should be 12 characters long.

Now to store that passphrase, you can use GPG with its usual key pairs. Use gpg --gen-key to generate a key pair, and gpg -e to encrypt the passphrase used to encrypt the large file for one or more key pairs.

Here's a sketch on how to do the encryption (note that I avoid putting the passphrase on the command line or in the environment, so as to make sure another user can't find it by looking at the ps output while the command is running):

passphrase=$(pwgen -s 12 -1)
echo "The passphrase for myiso.iso.gpg is: $passphrase" |
gpg -e -r somebody -r somebodyelse >passphrase.gpg
echo "$passphrase" | gpg -c --passphrase-fd 3 3<&0 <myiso.iso >myiso.iso.gpg

and how to decrypt:

passphrase=$(gpg -d <passphrase.gpg)
echo "$passphrase" | gpg -d --passphrase-fd 3 3<&0 <myiso.iso.gpg >myiso.iso

The reason to use a passphrase (a shared secret) rather than directly encrypt is that it allows the file to be shared between several people. Only the small passphrase needs to be reencrypted if you want to add a recipient (removing a recipient only makes sense if you know the recipient hasn't had access to the plaintext and requires reencoding the ciphertext anyway).

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