Emacs Text Scale – Fix Line Numbers Column Shrinking with Text-Scale-Adjust


I've set up emacs to display line numbers (global-linum-mode 1), and it works until I start enlarging the text via text-scale-adjust

The line numbers column starts to shrink, and disappears entirely after a few increments.
When it has fully disappeared, further increments have no more effect on the left edge.

Is this a know issue? Is there a workaround?

Using GNU Emacs 23.1.1 in Ubuntu 10.04.

Best Answer

Here is a workaround. It works on my emacs 23.1.1. This same question came up again (months later), and I'd learnt a bit about elisp in the mean time, so I had a go at it. See the following link for my answer there. Font size issues with Emacs in linum-mode.

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