Emacs on OpenBSD for DEC VAX

compilingemacsopenbsdsoftware installationvax

I have managed to install OpenBSD 5.2 on my DEC VaxStation 4000 Model 90 but to my surprise have not found a binary for Emacs (any version) for the VAX architecture. As best as I can tell I do not see it in the ports collection either.

Has anybody succeeded in installing any version of Emacs (or for that matter Zile) on the VAX architecture? Note that the VAX architecture distribution of OpenBSD uses a modified version of GCC 2.9.5 as it's compiler.

Best Answer

I haven't had the honour of playing with a VAX, but OpenBSD 5.2 has mg, a mini emacs clone. So if you can't compile emacs, mg should do. :)

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