Emacs – How to Delete a Line Without Sending it to the Kill Ring


I would like to use C-k to delete a line without sending it to the kill-ring.

I have the following on my .emacs file

(delete-selection-mode 1)

but this only seems to work for C-d (delete-char)

I have also read the solutions described in this thread: Emacs: how to delete text without kill ring?, but I didn't see anything that addresses this precise problem.

Best Answer

(defun delete-line (&optional arg)
  (interactive "P")
  (flet ((kill-region (begin end)
                      (delete-region begin end)))
    (kill-line arg)))

Maybe this is not the best solution, but it seems works. You may need to bind `delete-line' to some global key, such as

(global-set-key [(control shift ?k)] 'delete-line)
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