Elegant Way To Store Dotfiles on GitHub


I need an elegant solution to store my dotfiles on GitHub for easy access. I tried to create a dotfiles directory and symlink all the dotfiles into there. Then I tried adding the symlinks to git and committing in that directory, but git saves the links not the contents of the files it points to. Is there a way to do this or something similar?

Best Answer

I have no idea what the best approach is and elegance is certainly in the eye of the beholder, but I use the following for my dotfiles:

  • A ~/.dotfiles directory that contains all of the dotfiles themselves. These are all managed in a git repo.
  • A script, also in ~/.dotfiles that creates the required links into my home directory. I don't have any dotfiles in my home directory, only links into ~/.dotfiles. For example:

    $ ls -l ~/.muttrc
    lrwxr-xr-x  1 mj  mj  25 May  4  2014 /home/mj/.muttrc -> /home/mj/.dotfiles/muttrc

After I've cloned the repo onto a new machine (into ~/.dotfiles), I just run the script to update the symlinks.

I've found the above approach works very well for me.

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