Editing the *bookmark list* buffer on Emacs


On Emacs (using Bookmarks+), if I type C-x r l I can open the buffer *Bookmark List* and navigate through my bookmarks.

On this buffer, if I type Enter on a given bookmark, Emacs opens the bookmark, and if I type r Emacs allows me to edit it (rename). However, this mode of editing requires me to type my edits from scratch on the minibuffer (i.e. I need to provide the new name of the bookmark and the full new path of the bookmark).

I was wondering if there is a way to edit the *Bookmark List* buffer directly, as if I was editing any regular buffer, so that I don't have to re-type the new name or path of the bookmark (in case I want to keep parts of them) from scratch.

Best Answer

No, the *Bookmark List * buffer is not directly editable. But there are commands (keys) for editing bookmarks that are displayed there. You mentioned r. There are also e and E, depending what part of a bookmark you want to change. Not to mention several keys for editing a bookmark's tags.

As for recuperating existing text to reuse (edit) it, that should be trivial. The current value is available as a default value (M-n, M-p). Or you can copy it from a help buffer: C-h RET gives help on the current-line's bookmark (in buffer *Help*), and with a prefix arg the full bookmark record is shown, i.e., the Lisp sexp representing the bookmark, which is in your bookmark file (~/.emacs.bmk, by default).

The current values of any part of a bookmark that you would want to edit are thus easily available - you should never have to start from scratch.