Easily remount an external USB drive without unplugging it


Sometimes, a USB drive (or equivalent) that I have plugged in to my machine gets unmounted. Now, I know I could unplug it and plug it back in to remount it, but is it possible to easily do it from within the system?

For me, "easily" means "without using sudo" and without having to set up any special files, permissions, groups, or directories. It happens infrequently enough that things like that would be overkill. But somehow having to unplug and replug the drive in seems … not quite right, somehow.

I'm using Debian Squeeze with Gnome, in case that makes a difference.

Best Answer

Have a look at gnome-disk-utility. I provides a tool named palimpsest which allows you to see all storage devices.

Here's what mine looks like:

enter image description here

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