Dwm – pertag patch – save state between restarts


I'm using Pertag patch

As a Gentoo user I apply dwm patches using Portage. Basically there's a directory where user can put a patch for sourcecode and Portage will apply it during the compilation process (if patching procedure goes wrong whole compilation will fail)

So basically I used just these commands:

cp ~/pertag.patch /etc/portage/patches/x11-wm/dwm
emerge -av dwm 

Anyway Pertag patch seem to work fine – I can set different layouts for different tags etc, but when I restart dwm, all these changes are gone and I need to set it up again.

Is there a way (maybe different patch?) to save these changes, so when I start dwm again, tag 2 still has for example monocle layout, tag 3 floating layout, and there's no statusbar on tag 4?

Best Answer

dwm is an acronym for dynamic window manager: the central principle of dwm is that the tags are supposed to be dynamic, not fixed. See why tags don't remember their layout. The pertag patch breaks this paradigm.

If you want to be able to have your window manager use static workspaces, you are better off using xmonad or awesome (both inspired by dwm).

However, if you really are intent on patching out dwm's core and defining feature, there are some patches floating about that will do this, like Jokerboy's remember tags patch, which should be used in conjunction with his pertag patch.

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