Dump process core without killing the process


Is there a way to get a core dump (or something similar) for a process without actually killing the processes? I have a multithreaded python process running on an embedded system. And I want to be able to get a snapshot of the process under normal conditions (ie with the other processes required to be running), but I don't have enough memory to connect gdb (or run it under gdb) without the python process being the only one running.

I hope this question makes sense.

Best Answer

The usual trick is to have something (possibly a signal like SIGUSR1) trigger the program to fork(), then the child calls abort() to make itself dump core.

from os import fork, abort
def onUSR1(sig, frame):
    if os.fork == 0:

and during initialization

from signal import signal, SIGUSR1
from wherever import onUSR1
signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, wherever.onUSR1)

Used this way, fork won't consume much extra memory because almost all of the address space will be shared (which is also why this works for generating the core dump).

Once upon a time this trick was used with a program called undump to generate an executable from a core dump to save an image after complex initialization; emacs used to do this to generate a preloaded image from temacs.

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