Dual monitor, two different desktops


If have two different monitors, both connected to the same integrated graphics
card, one using VGA and the other using DVI connection.

It looks like this in my room:

######################     #############################
#                    #     #                           #
#                    #     #                           #
#        VGA-0       #     #           DVI-0           #
#                    #     #                           #
#      Monitor A     #     #         Monitor B         #
#                    #     #                           #
######################     #############################
         __#__                         __#__

I'm using Arch Linux / Fluxbox, and have 6 basic virtual desktops setup inside

Currently my screen layout config is quite the default, the 2 monitors just
form a larger desktop, where the mouse can navigate transparently.

I just run $ xrandr --output VGA-0 --auto --output DVI-0 --auto --right-of
to swap the ordering of screens.


Is it possible, instead of a large virtual desktop covered by the 2 monitors, to
switch independently to a different virtual desktop in each monitor?

For example, "Monitor A" would display the virtual desktop 1, while "Monitor B"
would display the virtual desktop 3.

I'm looking for CLI solutions, compatible with Fluxbox.

Best Answer

I believe this is a limitation of fluxbox, is not multihead ready because it's a lightweight and simple window manager, try switching to xmonad, spectrwm, or openbox-multihead-git (AUR). Those WMs will give you the options you're looking for.

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