DPI settings in Awesome window manager


I have a nice new shiny 4k monitor. I can increase the font size for most applications (including awesome) however, there are a few issues:

  1. The wibar vicious widgets show a tiny font, not the one defined in theme.lia.
  2. Any Gnome applications still show the old (aka tiny) font size.

I suspect that setting the font size everywhere will lead me going insane. Is there a DPI setting within Awesome I can use?

If not, is there some xrandr magic I can do?

Best Answer

With awesome 4.0 on Debian stretch, no patch as in the answer of Sardathrion is needed, that is to change your dpi to get a proper screen setup, you need to

1) Create the .Xresources file with your settings, that is Xft.dpi: 192 If you are wondering about the right DPI value, see this post. I used the next value that was a multiple of 96.

For more interesting settings, check out the informative Arch wiki entry

2) I needed to include the settings from .Xresources by adding the following line to the file .xinitrc xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

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