Downloading files using wget


I am trying to download files from this website.

The URL is:

When I use this command:


I get only index.html?acc=GSE48191 which is some kind of binary format.

How can I download the files from this HTTP site?

Best Answer

I think your ? gets interpreted by shell (Correction by vinc17: more likely, it's the & which gets interpreted).

Just try with simple quotes around your URL:

wget ''

Note that the file you are requesting is a .tar file but the above command will save it as index.html?acc=GSE48191&format=file. To have it correctly named, you can either rename it to .tar:

mv 'index.html?acc=GSE48191&format=file' GSE4819.tar

Or you can give the name as an option to wget:

wget -O GSE48191.tar ''

The above command will save the downloaded file as GSE48191.tar directly.

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