Why doesn’t the sudo command need the root password


I've been using Linux for a while now and whenever I typed sudo I thought I was switching over to the root user for a command.

Apparently this is not true because all I need is my user account's password. I'm guessing since I haven't worked with multiple users I haven't really noticed this in the real world.

I am unsure how Ubuntu sets up my first account. Is there a root user? Am I root? I'm guessing I just created a new user upon installation but it gave me root privileges? Just a little confused here…

So why am I allowed to run root commands with my user's password?

Best Answer

In details it works the following way:

  1. /usr/bin/sudo executable file has setuid bit set, so even when executed by another user, it runs with the file owner's user id (root in that case).

  2. sudo checks in /etc/sudoers file what privileges do you have and whether you are permitted to run the command you are invoking. Saying simply, /etc/sudoers is a file which defines which users can run which commands using sudo mechanism.

    That's how that file look on my Ubuntu:

    # User privilege specification
    root    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
    # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges
    %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
    # Allow members of group sudo to execute any command
    %sudo   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

    The third line is what presumably interests you. It lets anybody in the "sudo" group to execute any command as any user.

    When Ubuntu sets up the first account during installation it add that account to the "sudo" group. You can check which groups which users belong to with group command.

  3. sudo asks you for a password. Regarding the fact that it needs user's password, not the root's one, that is an excerpt from sudoers manual:

    Authentication and logging

    The sudoers security policy requires that most users authenticate themselves before they can use sudo. A password is not required if the invoking user is root, if the target user is the same as the invoking user, or if the policy has disabled authentication for the user or command. Unlike su(1), when sudoers requires authentication, it validates the invoking user's credentials, not the target user's (or root's) credentials. This can be changed via the rootpw, targetpw and runaspw flags, described later.

    However, in fact, sudo does not need your user password for anything. It ask for it just to ensure that you are really you and to provide you some kind of warning (or chance to stop) before invoking some potentially dangerous command. If you want to turn off password asking, change the sudoers entry to:

  4. After authentication sudo spawns child process which run the invoked command. The child inherits the root user id from its parent -- the sudo process.

So, answering your questions precisely:

I thought I was switching over to the root user for a command.

You were right. Each command preceded with sudo runs with the root user id.

Is there a root user?

Yes, there is a root user account, separate from your user account created during system installation. However, by default in Ubuntu you are not allowed to login to interactive terminal as root user.

Am I root?

No, you are not a root. You only have privilege to run individual commands as a root, using the sudo mechanism described above.

So why am I allowed to run root commands with my user's password?

You have to enter user's password only due to sudo internal security mechanism. It can be easily turned off. You gain your root powers because of setuid bit of /usr/bin/sudo, not because of any passwords you enter.

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