Why Does ‘/’ Have an ‘..’ Entry? – Understanding Filesystem Directory Structure


This has always puzzled me. Why does the root directory contain a reference to a parent directory?

bob@bob:/$ ls -a
.     build  home            lib32       mnt   .rpmdb   sys  vmlinuz
..    cdrom  initrd.img      lib64       opt   sbin     tmp  vmlinuz.old
bin   dev    initrd.img.old  lost+found  proc  selinux  usr
boot  etc    lib             media       root  srv      var

I understand how directories are managed in the filesystem – each directory has n+2 pointers to itself (n = number of subdirectories inside the directory). One for each immediate subdirectory, one for its parent, and one for itself.

But what is /'s parent?

Best Answer

/.. points to /:

$ ls -id /
2 /
$ ls -id /..
2 /..

Both have the same inode number, which happens to be 2 on this system. (The exact value doesn't matter.)

It's done for consistency. This way, there doesn't have to be code in the kernel to check where it currently is when it processes a .. in a path. You can say cd .. forever, and never go deeper than the root.

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