Does BitTorrent work in the background after quitting qBitTorrent


Recently I installed qBitTorrent so I could download some episodes of a Creative Commons-licensed TV series. I simply used apt-get install qbittorrent, ran qbittorrent, then added the torrent files, and pressed "start". I noticed that the series would take too long to download, so I quit qBitTorrent when it was at 10%. The next day, I launched qBitTorrent again, and was surprised to find the downloads complete. Either the 2.5 GBs downloaded within 3 seconds or something else occurred.

Does BitTorrent continue to exchange files after starting the download in qBitTorrent and then quitting qBitTorrent?

Best Answer

qBitTorrent has a mode where it is minimized in the notification area. If you go to the Options, then in the Behaviour tab, you will see a tree of checkboxes reading "Show qBit in notification area", and "Close qBit to notification area". This is the only way for qBittorrent to keep operating if you click the close button.