Why does a new directory have a hard link count of 2 before anything is added to it


Say I just create directory newDirectory and then I do ls -ld command. I see that the number of hard links is 2. What exactly makes the hard link 2 from the start? Also is the number of subdirectories in the current directory equal to the number of hard links – 2?

Best Answer

Historically, the first Unix filesystem created two entries in every directory: . pointing to the directory itself, and .. pointing to its parent. This provided an easy way to traverse the filesystem, both for applications and for the OS itself.

Thus each directory has a link count of 2+n where n is the number of subdirectories. The links are the entry for that directory in its parent, the directory's own . entry, and the .. entry in each subdirectory. For example, suppose this is the content of the subtree rooted at /parent, all directories:


Then dir has a link count of 5: the dir entry in /parent, the . entry in /parent/dir, and the three .. entries in each of /parent/dir/sub1, /parent/dir/sub2 and /parent/dir/sub3. Since /parent/dir/sub1 has no subdirectory, its link count is 2 (the sub1 entry in /parent/dir and the . entry in /parent/dir/sub1).

To minimize the amount of special-casing for the root directory, which doesn't have a “proper” parent, the root directory contains a .. entry pointing to itself. This way it, too, has a link count of 2 plus the number of subdirectories, the 2 being /. and /...

Later filesystems have tended to keep track of parent directories in memory and usually don't need . and .. to exist as actual entries; typical modern unix systems treat . and .. as special values as part of the filesystem-type-independent filesystem code. Some filesystems still include . and .. entries, or pretend to even though nothing appears on the disk.

Most filesystems still report a link count of 2+n for directories regardless of whether . and .. entries exist, but there are exceptions, for example btrfs doesn't do this.