Have to use sudo for almost everything


If I understand the Linux philosophy correctly, sudo should be used sparingly, and most operations should be performed as an under-privileged user. But that doesn't seem to make sense, since I'm always having to input sudo, whether I'm managing packages, editing config files, installing a program from source, or what have you. These are not even technical stuff, just anything a regular user does.

It reminds me very much of Window's UAC, which people either disable, or configure to not require a password (just a click). Furthermore, many people's Windows users are administrator accounts as well.

Also, I've seen some people display commands that require sudo privileges without sudo. Do they have their system configured in such a way that sudo is not required?

Best Answer

You mentioned these system adminstration functions

managing packages, editing config files, installing a program from source

as things that

anything a regular user does

In a typical multiuser system these are not ordinary user actions; a systems administrator would worry about this. Ordinary users (not "under privileged") can then use the system without worrying about its upkeep.

On a home system, yes, you end up having to administer the system as well as using it.

Is it really such a hardship to use sudo? Remember that if it's just your system there's no reason why you can't either pop into a root shell (sudo -s - see this post for an overview of various means of getting a root shell) and/or configure sudo not to prompt for a password.

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