Do hard links really take up so much disk space

aliashard linksymlink

I've found that I need to use hard links with a particular program (Ableton Live) that is unable to see aliases/symlinks, which is of course how I have all my working files organized. But making hard links is creating what appears to be duplicates of the original file.

Do they actually take up as much space as the original? Or is the filesystem (OSX in this case) merely showing the size of the actual data on disk, and the fact that it is being referenced in two places does not actually double the amount of data?

Best Answer

The second thing you said is exactly correct. The file contents only exist once on disk. A hard link is an extra reference, which costs very little space - the size of a directory entry, which is the length of the filename plus a few bytes.

I don't know if this applies to OSX, but in the version of GNU coreutils I have handy, du is aware of hard links, so you can use it to get an accurate report of the total size of a set of files. If it finds multiple links to a file, it only adds it to the total once. ls -l on the other hand does the wrong thing and adds everything it sees in a directory for its total line.

$ ls -sl
total 296
296 -rw-r--r-- 1 user group 300324 Feb 17 19:08 f1
$ du
296     .
$ ln f1 f2
$ ls -sl
total 592
296 -rw-r--r-- 2 user group 300324 Feb 17 19:08 f1
296 -rw-r--r-- 2 user group 300324 Feb 17 19:08 f2
$ du
296     .
$ cp f1 f3
$ ls -sl
total 888
296 -rw-r--r-- 2 user group 300324 Feb 17 19:08 f1
296 -rw-r--r-- 2 user group 300324 Feb 17 19:08 f2
296 -rw-r--r-- 1 user group 300324 Feb 17 19:08 f3
$ du
592     .

The ultimate demonstration would be to create a huge file, more than half the size of the disk. Then see how many hard links you can create to it. Should be quite a lot.

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