Filesystems – Disk Usage on Specific Filesystem


I need to find out what's contributing to the disk usage on a specific filesystem (/dev/sda2):

$ df -h /
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2              96G   82G  9.9G  90% /

I can't just do du -csh / because I have many other filesystems mounted underneath /, some of which are huge and slow:

$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2              96G   82G  9.9G  90% /
/dev/sdb1             5.2T  3.7T  1.3T  76% /disk3
/dev/sda1              99M   18M   76M  20% /boot
tmpfs                  16G  4.0K   16G   1% /dev/shm
                      5.3T  1.6T  3.5T  32% /home/userA
                      5.3T  1.6T  3.5T  32% /home/userB

How can I retrieve disk usage only on /dev/sda2?

None of these work:

  • Attempt 1:

    $ du -csh /dev/sda2
    0       /dev/sda2
    0       total
  • Attempt 2:

    $ cd /dev/sda2/
    cd: not a directory: /dev/sda2/

Best Answer

Use the -x (single file system) option:

du -cshx /

This instructs du to only consider directories of / which are on the same file system.

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