Disable num lock indicator LED or reverse keypad so when num lock is on, indicator light is off


I am using Debian Testing/Stretch with Xfce. I just bought this wired keyboard. I would like the num lock to be turned on by default, but I do not want to have the led indicator light on. This could be accomplished by disabling the num lock indicator altogether, reversing the state (showing the indicator light when the num lock is off), or all of the num-lock-off keys could be remapped to type numbers instead (with this I can type numbers when the indicator is on or off). setleds -L -num works but only in a tty session. Thanks

Best Answer

If “num lock turned on by default” means “keys on the numpad by default” and you don’t want/don’t care about navigation on the keypad:

setxkbmap -option numpad:mac <layout>

So for the us layout:

setxkbmap -option numpad:mac us

Now the numpad always enters digits, no matter the num lock state.

Reference: xkeyboard-config man-page

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