Disable KDE 4.7 system sounds


How to disable KDE system sounds? I mean all sounds on startup, on dialog box popup, on error and so on, without turning off the actual media sound.

I use KDE 4.7.4

Best Answer

In KDE 4.10.5, you can disable all system sounds without muting all media.

System Settings > Common Appearance and Behaviour > Application and System Notifications > Manage Notifications > Player Settings > No audio output.

Also, you may disable Event Sounds: left click the sound tray icon and slide down the Event Sounds slider or completely mute it.

enter image description here

In KDE Plasma 5, you can left-click the kmix (volume) plasmoid, and turn down "Event Sounds", similarly to the screenshot above.

If this doesn't work, you can turn off the sounds for each notification class individually, in System Settings > Notifications. Cycle through Event source, looking for entries with the Play a sound icon associated with the entry, then toggle off Play a sound.

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