Difference between ‘sync’ and ‘async’ mount options


What is the difference between sync and async mount options from the end-user point of view? Is file system mounted with one of these options works faster than if mounted with another one? Which option is the default one, if none of them is set?

man mount says that sync option may reduce lifetime of flash memory, but it may by obsolete conventional wisdom. Anyway this concerns me a bit, because my primary hard drive, where partitions / and /home are placed, is SSD drive.

Ubuntu installer (14.04) have not specified sync nor async option for / partition, but have set async for /home by the option defaults. Here is my /etc/fstab, I added some additional lines (see comment), but not changed anything in lines made by installer:

# / was on /dev/sda2 during installation
UUID=7e4f7654-3143-4fe7-8ced-445b0dc5b742 /     ext4  errors=remount-ro 0  1
# /home was on /dev/sda3 during installation
UUID=d29541fc-adfa-4637-936e-b5b9dbb0ba67 /home ext4  defaults          0  2
# swap was on /dev/sda4 during installation
UUID=f9b53b49-94bc-4d8c-918d-809c9cefe79f none  swap  sw                0  0

# here goes part written by me:

# /mnt/storage
UUID=4e04381d-8d01-4282-a56f-358ea299326e /mnt/storage ext4 defaults  0  2
# Windows C: /dev/sda1
UUID=2EF64975F6493DF9   /mnt/win_c    ntfs    auto,umask=0222,ro      0  0
# Windows D: /dev/sdb1
UUID=50C40C08C40BEED2   /mnt/win_d    ntfs    auto,umask=0222,ro      0  0

So if my /dev/sda is SSD, should I – for the sake of reducing wear – add async option for / and /home file systems? Should I set sync or async option for additional partitions that I defined in my /etc/fstab? What is recommended approach for SSD and HDD drives?

Best Answer

async is the opposite of sync, which is rarely used. async is the default, you don't need to specify that explicitly.

The option sync means that all changes to the according filesystem are immediately flushed to disk; the respective write operations are being waited for. For mechanical drives that means a huge slow down since the system has to move the disk heads to the right position; with sync the userland process has to wait for the operation to complete. In contrast, with async the system buffers the write operation and optimizes the actual writes; meanwhile, instead of being blocked the process in userland continues to run. (If something goes wrong, then close() returns -1 with errno = EIO.)

SSD: I don't know how fast the SSD memory is compared to RAM memory, but certainly it is not faster, so sync is likely to give a performance penalty, although not as bad as with mechanical disk drives. As of the lifetime, the wisdom is still valid, since writing to a SSD a lot "wears" it off. The worst scenario would be a process that makes a lot of changes to the same place; with sync each of them hits the SSD, while with async (the default) the SSD won't see most of them due to the kernel buffering.

In the end of the day, don't bother with sync, it's most likely that you're fine with async.

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