Debian – xscreensaver and keyboard layouts


xscreensaver doesn't show which is the current keyboard layout, so sometimes I can't enter my password, because I've switched to Cyrillic without knowing it. I found a discussion about the same problem at, for example.

Is there a way to make it show the current keyboard layout, or always switch to English?

My system is Debian Wheezy.

Best Answer

Can be done via executing a couple of setxkbmap lines before locking (in xfce, into /usr/bin/xflock4, see: similar to:

setxkbmap -layout us 
setxkbmap -layout us,ru

This should disable and then re-enable the international layout, supposedly switching the current layout to the US one. Seems to work fine. Just re-tested, and it doesn't. But the general solution is along those lines, just need more experimentation.

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