Debian – Why won’t NVIDIA X Server Settings configuration save on reboot


I'm on a 64-bit machine running Debian 8.2 "Jessie" with MATE Desktop Environment.

I have a Geforce GTX 650ti video card.

I'm logged in as a non-superuser account named "john."

I open NVIDIA X Server Settings GUI, change my monitors' brightness from 0.000 to -0.1, go to the "nvidia-settings Configuration" section, click "Save Current Configuration" and click "Quit."

But when I reboot, the brightness is back at 0.000.


How do I fix this?

Best Answer

I have found that the method of adding lines to different x11 configs was ineffective in my case. As an alternative, I created a bash script that applies my settings automatically at login. Simply enough, I just grabbed what I had changed from the saved xconf file, which essentially gets us to the desired end. It isn't the most elegant method, but it works...

The file below is my settings for my monitors, you will need to put your own info over mine.

My personal solution was to add these lines directly to .bashrc:

nvidia-settings --load-config-only
nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="DVI-I-1: nvidia-auto-select +0+54, HDMI-0: nvidia-auto-select +1600+0 {viewportout=1792x1008+65+30}"

My original and valid answer was edited to suggest putting it in a separate file and instead of calling the file in .bashrc. Both are valid. However, I wanted the answer to reflect both methods.

An example bash script:

# Save this to some
nvidia-settings --load-config-only
nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="DVI-I-1: nvidia-auto-select +0+54, HDMI-0: nvidia-auto-select +1600+0 {viewportout=1792x1008+65+30}"

Next, edit .bashrc or .bash_profile (whichever you prefer) and add your script there so it runs automatically on login.

Lastly, make your script executable with chmod +x

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