Debian – Why can’t download flash plugin for Debian


Environment:debian8+firefox esr 45.8
I want to install flash plugin for my firefox.

enter image description here

Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because one of the following protocols (apt) isn't associated with any program or is not allowed in this context.

There is a material about apturl problem
apturl for firefox
Do as the webpage say.

sudo apt-get install apturl 
E: Package 'apturl' has no installation candidate
sudo aptitude search  apturl
get nothing

And it is no use to set in character chain with /usr/bin/apturl as value.

How to install flash plugin is another problem which can be solved this way.

1.add proper source into sources.list         
echo "deb jessie main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list                 
2.sudo aptitude search flash                 

    p   browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash                                                 - PPAPI-host NPAPI-plugin adapter for pepperflash                                                  
    p   flashbake                                                                              - automated snapshots with git                                                                     
    p   flashbench                                                                             - identify flash storage properties                                                                
    v   flashblock                                                                             -                                                                                                  
    p   flashcache-dkms                                                                        - write-back block device cache for Linux (DKMS version)                                           
    p   flashcache-utils                                                                       - write-back block device cache for Linux (user space utilities)                                   
    v   flashgot                                                                               -                                                                                                  
    p   flashplayer-chromium                                                                   - Flash Player for Chromium (Pepper)                                                               
    p   flashplayer-mozilla                                                                    - Adobe Flash Player                                                                               
    i   flashplugin-nonfree                                                                    - Adobe Flash Player - browser plugin                                                              
    p   flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound                                                         - Adobe Flash Player platform support library for Esound and OSS           

3. apt-get update    
4. apt-get install  flashplayer-mozilla  

The problem why apt:adobe-flashplugin?channel=$distro-partner can't be opened by firefox still remain.

Best Answer

You are trying to follow instructions for Ubuntu, not Debian. While Ubuntu does have a package called apturl, the Debian equivalent package was apparently called aptlinex but since none of the links on that page work, it looks like it's no longer packaged in Debian.

So, just install it normally and forget about the fancy apt:// links:

sudo apt-get install flash-plugin-nonfree

You might need to add the contrib repositories for this to work; check your /etc/apt/sources.list file, look for lines of the form

deb jessie main

(the URL might be different on your system) and add contrib to the end:

deb jessie main contrib
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